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HNU history: HNUs started as a monthly publication in 2005.  
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Sleep Problems Due to Economy
Get Your Peaceful Sleep Back!
  • Chronic Downsliding Economy
  • The Dangers of Too Little Sleep
  • Lack of Sleep Can Make You Gain Weight,
    • Increases Appetite
    • Accelerates Aging
    • Can Cause Brain Damage
  • Ways to Stop Worrying and Get a Good Night’s Sleep
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Read more: HNU ISSUE 38

  • An apple is truly a superfood to stay!
  • Eat and Lose Weight
  • Apples help stop lung disease, cancer and help common disorders like heart disease, dementia, arthritis
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  • Monsanto destorying our food supply!?
  • Federal judge ordered that GMO sugar beets that were illegally planted “be destroyed”.
  • TKM® Testimony from Lucille Talusan - Asian Missions
  • Approval of gene altered salmon could threaten the very survival of native salmon
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  • The Orange - #1 concerning nutrition among the five top fruits.
  • Cancer is complex, but not that complicated.
  • Oranges have been shown to possess an anti-aging effect by protecting
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  • Pesticides linked to ADHD in Children.
  • Nanotechnology Threatens Organic Foods.
  • How to Detox Your Body of Depleted Uranium Residues.
  • Effects of Radioactive Contamination
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  • Plastic and Pharmaceutical Chemicals Found to feminize boys.
  • Medical studies have shown that there is an average of 287 chemicals in umbilical cord blood.
  • Cancers Vanishing Without Treatment, but How?
  • Testimonies - near drowning girl & learning issues
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  • Tap Water May Be Legal, But Unhealthy.
  • TKM® and Your Health Rights, what you should know.
  • The CA 125 Cancer Screening Test.
  • Probiotics - Your First Line of Defense
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  • Vaccine Advisers Have Serious Conflicts..medicines have been pulled from the market . . .
  • CDC have failed the job of screening medical experts concerning financial conflicts!
  • If Obamacare were to pass, likely millions more would die.
  • What the Massachusetts election means to your health
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  • Swine Flu A Real Danger OR NOT?
  • Almost 400 Lb. Boy Collapses and Dies, Age 13.
  • Pressured by the WHO, CDC pushes to vaccinate the entire U.S. population
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  • Study Reveals the Danger Of An-Aspirin-A-Day<>
  • Even fairly low doses of aspirin increase the risk for bleeding in the gut.
  • Aspirin - No, TKM® - Yes!
  • FDA warned, “... pain relievers cause stomach bleeding and liver damage"
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  • Prenatal Pollution Linked To Lower IQ In Children.
  • Tanning Beds Cause Cancer!
  • THYROID - A vital part of the endocrine system which affects your entire body .
  • A simple self-test to determine how your thyroid is functioning
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  • Teen Diagnoses Her Own Disease In Science Class.
  • Too Much Cola Can Cause Hypokalemia.
  • Celiac disease or an intolerance to gluten, a complex protein chain found in wheat, barley and rye
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  • Too Much TV an Asthma Risk
  • Latest Warning - Health Dangers Of Microwaving.
  • Microwaves can leave dangerous bacteria, such as E. coli,salmonella or listeria
  • TKM®
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  • TKM® Testimonies - Families changed by TKM®
  • Caffeine Affects Pregnancy- Even small amounts
  • What foods and beverages contain caffeine?
  • Does caffeine consumption affect fertility?
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Archives - HNU Issue 22
  • Whose Economy Do You Live In?
  • Federal Court Admits Vaccine ‘Aggravated’ Autism.
  • Controversial mercury-based preservative Thimerosal still in vaccinations
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  • Toxic Chemicals in Household Products.
  • Products containing known toxic chemicals are not ... listed on labels.
  • TKM® Testimonies: No More Nose Spray, My Vision is Sharper, Feeling Better Than Before The Illness
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  • Can Vitamin C Become Deadly?
  • The TKM® Journey ...From My Home to the Jungles of Malaysia and other nations.
  • It is antibacterial and anti-fungal and even helps fight different coli, but...
  • Sodium benzoate is linked to hyperactive children and decreased intelligence
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  • How long does it take to digest Meat?
  • Wireless Capsule Endoscopy “The Camera in a Pill”
  • Eating too much cooked or processed foods.. effects the pancreas and inhibits enzyme production.
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  • The Salt of the Earth?
  • The body’s salt/water ratio is critical to metabolism.
  • Cardiovascular events are a major cause of “premature” death and cost Americans more than $300 billion
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  • People experiencing depression don’t simply want relief; they want freedom.
  • Some prescription drugs and most illegal drugs can cause depression.
  • While TKM® is an effective, safe, and economical treatment option
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  • Poll: Family makes young people happy.
  • Antibacterial soap vs. regular soap.
  • As for sex, the survey found sexual activity leads to less happiness among...
  • What makes a 13 to 24 year old person happy?
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  • Turn off the TV - Overeating, lack of physical activity leads to childhood obesity.
  • Study: workout breaks may burn fat faster.
  • Mealtimes together are important social interaction times for adults and children.
  • Join the 500.
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  • Autistic children in court.
  • The 90s also saw a 172 percent increase in autistic children according to the U.S.
  • Autism is the fastest growing developmental disease at 10 to 17 percent annually.
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  • "Dirty Jobs!"
  •  “Good” cholesterol drug fails tests.
  • 25 percent fewer bacteria on surfaces that were regularly disinfected.
  • In hopes to avoid heart attacks, the new approach tried.
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  • KIMA 500 revamped.
  • Caffeine can elevate PMS!
  • The body naturally defends itself by activating the adrenal system which is why we feel more “awake” after we’ve consumed...
  • Caffeine also depletes the body of essential vitamins, such as vitamin B.
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  • Philippines trip a BIG success!
  • It would be good to remember what Mother said to eat our vegetables.
  • New studies have demonstrated the ability for curcumin to boost mental function.
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  • FDA approves viruses as food additive!
  • An estimated 2,500 people become ill with listeriosis every year.
  • The Department of Agriculture will regulate the use.
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  • Go Gluten-Free
  • Gluten intolerances occur mostly in people of European descent...
  • Gluten intolerance is not the same as wheat allergies!
  • Better digestion to fewer hot flashes in women going through menopause.
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  • Bluetooth® headsets gain popularity and raise health concerns.
  • Tylenol safety still a concern?!
  • “Acetaminophen poisoning is implicated in half of all U.S. liver failures...”
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  • The Dangers of Diet Products!
  • A closer look at low cal diet foods.
  • Short-term studies...showed shrunken thymus glands and enlarged livers and kidneys.
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  • Toothprints® Another way to keep your children safe.
  • Making dental floss more effective.
  • Brushing with baking soda and a drop or two of Melaleuca oil will provide.
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  • Video Game Violence: A Health Hazard? Then there are the psychological outcomes to consider, and psychologists seem to be divided.
  • Lee, collapsed from exhaustion after eating minimally and not sleeping.
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