
New Seminar on the TKM® Baby Book Titled Wonderfully Made:
This is a very special class on this recently published book. The seminar contains so much valuable information concerning male and female fertility, pregnancy, birth, baby, and up through toddler age, including addressing more than the common possible complications.  It is vital to prepares and raise a child to be as healthy as possible, and this is a great way to learn much from one source. 
The book is included and is in full color with many illustrations.
This class is essential for everyone possible that desires a healthy and natural pregnancy, child, and for parents, or for someone you may know. There will be added videos and PowerPoint presentations to assist in this learning process that will not in the book.
Prerequisite: None, but it is very helpful to have completely at least TKM® Levels 1&2, because we will not teach the basics of TKM.
Register: In-person or Online: For online, contact the Institute after Registering.

Prerequisites: Vary
These classes are for how TKM® can provide better understanding and applications to help resolve one or more specific health issues, or for in-depth study of special aspects of TKM® and /or additional topics.
Handouts for applications are provided. If you have any TKM® books or materials, it is helpful to bring them.
Most of these classes are designed for everyone to attend. Some may have restriction depending on prerequisite training. Prerequisites will be listed for specific Special Topic classes.
Deposit and Tuition vary per subject and length of class. See the events calendar for details on these classes. You may call the Institute for any additional details after reviewing the events calendar.
Deposit: $200
Tuition : $425/ 3 days
(Bring your TKM® materials)

Prerequisites: Vary
These classes are for how TKM® can provide better understanding and applications to help resolve one or more specific health issues, or for in-depth study of special aspects of TKM® and /or additional topics.
Handouts for applications are provided. If you have any TKM® books or materials, it is helpful to bring them.
Most of these classes are designed for everyone to attend. Some may have restriction depending on prerequisite training. Prerequisites will be listed for specific Special Topic classes.
Deposit and Tuition vary per subject and length of class. See the events calendar for details on these classes. You may call the Institute for any additional details after reviewing the events calendar.
Deposit: $175
Tuition : $350/ 2 days
(Bring your TKM® materials)

Prerequisites: None
These Lectures are on various topics concerning TKM® and how it provides help for specific health issues, or for general aspects of TKM®.
Handouts are usually provided. It would be advised to bring note taking material.
Most of these classes are open to the public and designed for everyone to attend. Some may have restrictions depending on the special focus or private group. Any restrictions would be listed on the Calendar page.
Lectures are FREE, although registration is required for available seating purposes and our preparation. See the events calendar for specific details on these lectures.

Prerequisites: None
Based on the New Textbook (as of 1/1/ 2007), the Level 1 class provides an in-depth introduction to The King's Method® and lays a solid foundation for all other TKM® learning and training. Note: This is a vital class to attend if you or someone in your care has chronic and critical issues!
We cover the basic principles of how the bio-electromagnetic systems function in the body. The class illustrates and demonstrates the location of each Energy Sphere loci on the body, the first basic blueprint in understanding TKM® applications. This includes relations to each location, combination of locations and sequences that can produce profound results with many health issues.
This class sets the stage for all other TKM® learning and training. If you can attend only one class, we recommend this one.
Deposit: $240
Tuition: $485 / 3 days
(Includes New TKM® Textbook and many handouts, available in English or Spanish)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Introductory: Level 1
Based on the New Textbook (as of 1/1/ 2007), the Level 2 class examines pulse-reading in relation to organ energy and pathways. This helps students to distinguish between symptoms and cause, enabling them to discern the most effective application to restore health. This class teaches how to take the guess work out of treatment and not treat for symptoms but for causes.
We also cover the bio-electromagnetic pathways in the human body and how they relate physically, mentally and emotionally to health. This class expounds on information from Level 1 and 2, covering a variety of applications for any health issue. A vital class for any serious TKM® student and for working on a serious health issues.
Deposit: $240
Tuition: $485 / 3 days
(Bring your Textbook and all TKM® materials with you, since King Institute will not have Textbooks available for you to borrow)

Prerequisites: None
Information and material from the Level 1 and 2 introductory classes are covered in this special combined class.
This condensed 5-day class covers the same material and provides an extraordinary learning experience beyond two separate 3-day classes. The Level 1 and 2 Combined is the single most influential and economical class offered to the public. It is the single most life changing learning experience of all TKM® classes.
Important Note: Level 1 or Level 2 may be attended separately, although we do not recommend attending Level 2 without first completing Level 1.
Read the above descriptions to learn more about the Level 1 and Level 2 introductory classes. Note: this class does not include Level 3 subject matter.
Deposit: $597
Tuition: $1195 / 5 days
(Includes the Level 1& 2 Textbook , available in English or Spanish, and many handouts)

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Introductory: Levels 1 and 2
Information and material from the Level 3 and 4 introductory classes are covered in this special combined class.
Based on the Textbook Volume 3, the Level 3 class covers more in-depth TKM® topics as well as 5 additional chapters in the Textbook that were not addressed in Level 1 or 2.  Students can understand more complex health issues and the progression of disorders. They can also see how seemingly unrelated disorders can lead to serious conditions, and even death, if not properly addressed.
Plus, based on the Textbook Volume 4, the Level 4 class covers more in-depth TKM® topics as well as 3 additional chapters completing the remainder of the Textbook that were not addressed in Level 1, 2 or 3.  Students can understand more complex health issues and the progression of disorders.  Special training and applications for immediate results are presented. They can also see how seemingly unrelated disorders can lead to serious or fatal conditions, if not properly addressed.
This is a vital class for those who desire to learn TKM®.
We have condensed this information into a 5-day class covering the same material and provides an extraordinary learning experience beyond two separate 3-day classes, which is how the Level 3 & 4 were taught previously. The Level 3 and 4 Combined covers more Textbook material (8 out of 12 chapters) than any other class class offered to the public.  It is a rapid learning process to help aid and resolve a multitude of health disorders in a way that anyone can learn. It is a health concept changing experience through better understanding of health disorders and their solutions.
Deposit: $523
Tuition: $1045 / 5 days
(Includes the Textbook, and many handouts)

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Introductory Levels 1 and 2.
This class immediately begins with learning vital information compared to the Textbook teachings from Level 1, or Chapters 1,2 and 3 from the New Textbook. This class is for students who want a more solid understanding of this powerfully effective knowledge. It is preferred that Levels 3 and 4, plus Self-help has been completed, but not required. Note: This class does NOT contain any basic or introductory information, nor does it retrace information provided in the Introductory: Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 classes or the Self Help class except to reference for TKM® inquiries.
This class immediately begins with learning vital information compared to the Textbook teachings from Level 1 (Chapters 1, 2 and 3 from the New Text). This class is for students who want a more solid understanding of this powerfully effective knowledge to help family members or as a health professional.
Deposit: $240
Tuition: $485 / 3 days
(Bring your Textbook and all TKM® materials with you, since King Institute will not have Textbooks available for you to borrow)

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Introductory: Levels 1 and 2.
This class immediately begins with learning vital information compared to the Textbook teachings from Level 2, or Chapter 4 from the New Textbook. This class is for students who want a more solid understanding of this powerfully effective knowledge. It is preferred that Levels 3, 4 and 5, plus Self-help has been completed, but not required. Note: This class does NOT contain any basic or introductory information, nor does it retrace information provided in the Introductory: Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 classes or the Self Help class except to reference for TKM® inquiries.
This class immediately begins with learning vital information compared to the Textbook teachings from Level 2 (Chapter 4 from the New Text) with special emphasis on pulses and energy pathways. This class is for students who want a more solid understanding of this powerfully effective knowledge to help family members or as a health professional.
Deposit: $240
Tuition: $485 / 3 days
(Bring your Textbook and all TKM® materials with you, since King Institute will not have Textbooks available for you to borrow)

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Introductory: Levels 1 and 2. It is preferred that Levels 3 and 4, plus Self-help has been completed, but not required.
Note: This class does NOT contain any basic or introductory information, nor does it retrace information provided in the Introductory: Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 classes or the Self Help class except to reference for TKM® inquiries.
This condensed 4-day class covers the same textbook material and provides an extraordinary more in-depth learning experience beyond two separate 3-day classes.
Important Note: Level 5 and 6 is occasionally presented in a 5 day format, which alters the tuition (5 day class = $895 tuition).
Read the above descriptions to learn more about the Level 5 and 6 classes. Note: This class does not include Level 7 subject matter.
Deposit: $547
Tuition: $1095 / 4 days
(Bring your Textbook and all TKM® materials with you, since King Institute will not have Textbooks available for you to borrow)

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Introductory: Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and preferably Levels 5 and 6, and Self-help training.
This class immediately begins with learning vital information compared to the Textbook teachings from Level 3 and 4, or Chapters 5 through 12 from the New Text. This class is for students who want a more solid understanding of this powerfully effective knowledge to help family members or as a health professional.
Tuition: $525 / 3 days
Deposit: $260
(Bring your Textbook and all TKM® materials with you, since King Institute will not have Textbooks available for you to borrow)

Minimum Prerequisites:
  • Successful completion of one TKM® EMT class.
  • Successful completion one Self-Help class.
  • Successful completion of three Introductory: Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 classes.
  • Successful completion of one each of Level 5, 6 and 7 classes.
  • Director approval only.
  • King Institute, LLC reserves the right to refuse qualification for attending this class. Any violations of the rights of the TKM® materials issued in this class may warrant severe civil and criminal penalties.
  • A non-disclosure agreement will need to be signed to attend this class.
This class is by invitation to qualified students. Advanced training are for students interested in an in-depth learning of TKM® and how the body functions, which is not found in any other class offered by the Institute. The ADVANCED class includes The Advanced TKM® Study Book (personalized and the property of TKI), which is not available for public purchase.
NOTE: We do not suggest rushing through the prerequisites to take this course of study. Take the time to absorb teachings in the other classes leading to the ADVANCED TKM® Study.
New discoveries and understanding of God's creation (our temple), along with the application of TKM® sequences, will continually be added to the ADVANCED book and class. Details and information will be provided to students invited to attend the ADVANCED TKM® Study.

Prerequisites: None
These are two consecutive classes that first cover the EMT class, based on the EMT manual, and then the Self-Help class, based on the Self-Help book.
Read the above descriptions to learn more about the EMT and Self-Help classes.
Deposit: $225
Tuition: $450 (reg. $525 separately) / 3days (One or both classes may be attended - if attending only one class the tuition will not be discounted)
(Includes the EMT manual and the Self-Help book, available in English or Spanish)

Prerequisites: None
This class is based on The King's Method® EMT manual and covers vital information on how bio-energy and our environment affect our health. Students learn emergency procedures which has shown to be highly effective in stopping heart attacks, anaphylactic shock, seizures, asthma attacks, choking, hemorrhaging, acute appendicitis and other common ailments like insect bites, hiccups and more.
This class usually includes (time allowing) critical information on common, daily habits and basic environmental toxins that effect health and quality of life. TKM® EMT classes are only provided by certified instructors of King Institute.
Deposit: $50
Tuition : $125 / 1 day
(Includes the EMT manual, available in English or Spanish)

Prerequisites: None
The Self-Help book includes the blueprint of the energy spheres loci that influence all the energy systems in the human body. The procedures in this class are simplified to mostly one step applications. The manual includes an index that provides appropriate (simplified) applications for many disorders.
Deposit: $175
Tuition : $350 / 2 days
(Includes the Self Help book, available in English or Spanish)
