(King Institute is not a 501 c3 organization)
- Become a KIMA 500 Member/Partner
- You can also help to support King Institute by purchasing our educational materials, products and attending our educational courses. Your support enables us to help many others.
KIMA® 500 (King Institute Missions Association® 500)
King Institute, LLC is a Christian-founded and operated Natural Health Resource organization that operates and funds its outreach programs in-part with the financial support of people like you who partner with us.
Our Partners are prayed for corporately, and specifically as we are notified of needs.
For any additional information, please contact us or click Support
Support helps us provide education and aid to those who are suffering without means of other help.
There is no minimum amount to Partner with us.
To complete this process:
1) Click Here
2) Type 'KIMA 500' in the box
3) Fill out contact information
4) Set-up Recurring payment
Thank you for your kind heart and may God bless you abundantly!
What Your Support Helps:
Many people and children await the kind of help that you can partner with us to provide. Your support will help those who too often needlessly suffer when there is effective help. For us, providing TKM® therapy and education/training is the easiest part, the funds to provide materials and bring the therapy and training to where it is needed is more costly.
Now, more than ever, is the time to make the difference in the lives of the people needing help. Now, we are able to help more people for less cost.
One example: Recently, we were able to travel to the Philippines, by request for help, and gathered over 250 poverty level families to help through 5 days of treatments, and supplied TKM education and materials and the facility only cost us $3,000 total, which equates to $12 to help each family (free for the family) for 5 full days of TKM training, free TKM books and materials, qualified volunteers who traveled with us to provide TKM therapy on the most critical and chronic cases everyday.
King Institute covered the extra thousands of dollars for travel expenses, hotels, food, transport, etc. Most of all, the help we provided did not stop when we left (like many missions), it still carries on today - as the knowledge of how to help the suffering, plus the ones we further trained to teach (certified) have set up outreaches to help people (free or little cost), plus the local pastors and missionaries we trained who provide outreaches to island areas where the help is severely needed - due to no health provider options.
When we go into an area to help and train, then leave, the help actually continues and spreads because of how we provide it. So partnering with us provides a gift that keeps on giving!
At that time it frugally cost King Institute approximately only $15k to provide this help. The costs are so much more now. But, we have made connections over the years in numerous countries to provide help in a much more cost effective way, with the help of local printers (printing books in local languages), spaces for people provided by churches, local volunteers, and much more to help this process become more effective all the time.
Our purpose is to MEET NEEDS where help is needed most - while Ministering with Love and Truth in Christ Jesus.
Choose your "Partner" level and become a direct help to help many in need.
Health Recovery
Support helps subsidize or cover the cost of health recovery and products for individuals with limited or no financial resources. Your support also helps provide training and mentoring to parents of children with brain disorders - nationally and internationally. Most of the help needed is for free services and materials to people in the greatest need and the least able to get any effective help.

Actual photos above (No stock photos)
Purposed/directed support allow us to conduct research that would lead to significant changes in the content and cost of traditional health care treatment programs. The Institute's Research Program is supervised by prominent professionals in the community. Objectives of the program are to document the impact of TKM® on specific health conditions, then establish effective protocols for professionals and individuals through proper standardized training. This training includes sessions and workshops, and are provided at no cost to special trainees (this training is not advertised online).
One example is the largest burn center in the USA (just north of Atlanta, GA) is attempting to organize an independent study on the efficacy of TKM for severe burns - in order for the TKM procedure to be incorporated in all burn centers in the USA.
Categories of focus for the above research to benefit: Health Professionals, Medical facilities, Churches, Missionaries, Military Soldiers, Veterans, especially Individuals and families in the USA and abroad. Contribute.

Contributions allow us to offer Emergency Integrative Medicine Techniques courses/Training seminars free of charge to missionaries ministering in emerging countries, and community service organizations such as fire and police departments, schools, as well as to the general population of developing countries.
We have health recovery application manuals which are free to our missionary outreach, but we need ongoing support in printing and delivering these materials in the local language to help those in need.
Contributions also help subsidize or cover the cost of training and assistance for individuals in serious need of help, but with limited or no financial resources (verified). Most are to benefit children.
Some areas of help recently provided are in Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, China, Australia (Sydney and Melbourne), Greece, Bahrain, Jogjakarta, Mentawai Islands, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Egypt, Southern Philippines, Haiti, Cotabato and more... Thank you for partnering with us to help so many people!

Make a Contribution or Partner with us! Contribute.
Thank you for your kind and generous heart in helping!
A partial list of supporters:
- Pearson Group, Inc.
- Proyecto Adelante
- J. Levin Productions
- Phillips Corp.
- 700 Club Asia
- The Relyea Family
- Gaither & Associates
- F.D. Harris
- ONCOR Communications
- USA Radio Network
- Phyllis Pafford
- Intelecon
- Robert Gardner
- Rosemarie Glenn
- Dr. Stacy Cole
- Mark & Lynn Coalmer
- Sylvia Stuckey
- Trish Reeves
- William & Sharon Lucin
- Fovea Studios
- Irene Welch
- Bill New
- Worthy Books
- Andrea Safron
- Marge Gerard
- Rev. Richard Scheafer
- Dr. Mary Swope
- Lisa Heath
- Lee and Linda Kane
- Clemens Report (Christian News Program)
- CBN (Christian Broadcast Network)
- Natural Health Consultants
- Bill & Lois Folkers