
 The King Method®, TKM® and KIMA® are Federally registered trademarks with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.




All material and information presented by is intended to be used for educational purposes only. Statements made regarding products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this site is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or healthcare professional regarding the suggestions and recommendations made at
You should always speak with a professional before taking any dietary, nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or beginning any therapy. shall have no liability to you as a publisher of information, or reseller of any products or vendor services, including, without limitation, any liability for any defective products. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to any products or services sold, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
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We do not warrant and shall have no liability regarding information provided in this site regarding recommendations for supplements for any or all health purposes. As is clearly stated, this information is provided solely as information for our customers to use when discussing a regimen with their healthcare practitioners.
King Institute LLC is providing this site and its contents on an “as is” basis and makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this or its contents.
Except as specifically stated on this site, neither King Institute LLC, nor any of its directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this site. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties.
We will try to place the proper warnings and product interactions throughout this website, but inevitably we will fail to cover all subject matter. That is why it is imperative that you speak with your primary care practitioner before buying or using products sold by or any other company. Each person is different, and the way someone reacts to a particular product may be significantly different from the experience of another person.
TKM® practitioners listed in, KIMA Journal or KIMA 500 do not represent King Institute LLC or, are not employed by King Institute LLC and King Institute LLC does not assume any liability for the practitioner's actions.
King Institute LLC or assumes no liability for any diagnosis, treatment or prescription of any type by any practitioner listed in the KIMA Journal or on It is the sole responsibility of the individual person, who chooses to see the alternative practitioner, whether or not they trust the recommended course of action by the practitioner.
All facts of this website ( have been drawn from scientific literature, research and verified personal experiences. In no way, however, are any of the suggestions or statements meant to take the place of advice given by licensed healthcare professionals.  King Institute LLC and its associates and representatives do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for medical problems either directly or indirectly. The sole intent of this website and its authors is only to offer information. In the event any person uses any of the information from this site or as a result of this site for him or herself or another, which is their constitutional right, the author, publisher, King Institute LLC and associates assume no responsibility for his or her actions.



The King Method® and TKM® are federally registered trademarks with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
All books, class handouts, online sequences and other publications by King Institute LLC are the property of Glenn T. King, the Founder and Director, and protected under copyright law. Unauthorized reproduction without express written permission from the rights holder warrant SEVERE CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES. This includes but is not limited to copying whole or in part documents from books and class handouts for electronic or print media, copying whole or in part the institute’s periodical publications for reproduction in other publications, and copying whole or in part audio or visual recordings from cassettes and discs owned by King Institute LLC.
Dr. Glenn T. King owns proprietary rights to the TKM® sequences, which are protected by intellectual property law.
Individuals who visit the Institute and/or attend classes are authorized to use The King Method® on themselves and on others. For instance, medical doctors who are trained in the use of TKM® techniques by King Institute LLC and its authorized instructors are welcome to integrate TKM® techniques in their practices. Or a student who has attended TKM® classes is more than welcome to utilize a TKM® application to assist another person on the street having a heart attack. Even though the institute retains all of these rights and privileges, it does not restrict this type of use. After all, this is a primary purpose of King Institute LLC.
However, TEACHING The King Method® without official written permission is strictly prohibited. Individuals must complete Instructor Training and Certification for Teaching in order to TEACH TKM® or present material in an educational setting. When certification is completed the instructor teaches for the Institute exclusively; and does so in coordination with the Institute. Approval as a Certified Instructor shall not be construed as official qualification as a Certified Practitioner or Therapist.
 The forgoing guidelines are established with the goal of preserving the integrity of The King Method® and helping people not to fall victim to misinformation, which could potentially result in damaging consequences. "Misguided information can be fatal for those who need proper help".
Use of copyrighted and federally registered material without express permission from King Institute LLC. WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND WARRANTS SEVERE CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES.



Please Take Notice that all educational materials related to The King Method® are properly copyrighted and/or federally registered with the Library of Congress and The United States Patent and Trademark Offices in Washington, D.C. All rights, including proprietary and process rights, are reserved by King Institute LLC.
All Rights Reserved.
Any violation of intellectual property rights, copyrights or federal registered names, information or materials will be promptly prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
In addition, any source discovered utilizing educational information or materials related to The King Method® for profit without proper written permission from the copyright holder will be in violation and will receive swift legal reprimand or felony prosecution.
Those who desire to learn this extraordinary method are invited to do so. Those who desire to learn in order to teach also have the opportunity. But, written permission must be obtained before duplicating written materials, and a proper educational and training process for teacher certification must be followed, all provided only through King Institute LLC.
All questions concerning these laws and regulations are to be directed to King Institute LLC to insure accurate information.
We are here to share this wonderful method and to help a world in great need. In doing so, it is critical to protect the integrity of all educational materials and information, as well as a high standard for teacher and practitioner qualification. Most of all, it is necessary to protect the public from false information concerning this incredible tool for helping people.
 All questions concerning this legal notice should be directed to King Institute LLC or to Gardere Wynne Sewell, LLP Attorneys and Counselors.
Copyright© 2006, 2018, 2020 King Institute LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this web site whole or in part may be reproduced in any way without prior specific written permission of the copyright holder, Glenn T.  King of King Institute LLC, 7651 Main St. Frisco, TX 75034
King Institute LLC, and Better Health Center, LLC are a Christian-founded Health Research, Therapy and Education Resource.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!



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