
King Institute LLC offers services that are designed to greatly improve your health.
The King Method® (TKM®) is a 1-hour relaxing and effective hands-on approach for most health disorders. This method has a profound effect on the bio-electromagnetic systems of the body proven by science, physics and top medical doctors, which affect all systems of the body whether physical, emotional, or mental with excellent results. TKM® has effectively helped people for decades for common to complex and rare disorders. It is the most complete study in the bio-electromagnetic energy system of the body. Watch the TKM Introductory video on our home page
Nutritional Consultation
This testing incorporates the use of dark field microscopy to reveal the current state of the immune system, possible vitamin deficiencies, toxic effects, pH, mineral imbalances, fungus and yeast, plus other areas of concern or weakness. The testing will usually coincide with the Customized ZYTO Elite Testing (in-office or from your home anywhere via high-speed internet with a PC). A individualized protocol of nutritional supplementation and tested remedies and any therapies needed will be offered. Glenn T. King, PhD, CDN, CN has over 35 years experience in successful practice which has gained international recognition, and he has studied nutrition for over 45 years.
Health Analysis using Zyto Elite Testing (customized)
A 2-3 hour accurate and non-invasive way to survey your overall health in fine detail; including food and environmental stressors and many other causes of symptoms or state of health. This health analysis uses ZYTO Elite technology as a resource to run a variety of the latest separate technology and frequency libraries designed by leading medical doctors in the integrative health field with cutting edge technology for best results. This is accomplished by testing the body against a frequency data bank of up to a million+ frequencies (bacteria, fungus, viruses, diseases, Heavy Metals, chemical toxins, glands, carcinogen load, organs and systems, stress level, emotional state and much more) that we have compiled and can provide vital and helpful information concerning what health stresses may be present in the body. When these things are addressed properly it can relieve the body from burdening the immune system and other vital systems and functions for a higher quality of health that is free from disease. It is also an excellent preventative medicine approach for improving and maintaining excellent health, which we highly recommend versus waiting until health is over burdened to some level which too commonly results in serious to terminal diagnosis.  
Schumann Wave Resonance Therapy - based on the latest physics discoveries
We're the first to offer this extraordinary technology to help many health issues and is available free during every visit (TKM, Testing, health counseling...) at our office. 
Scar Tissue Treatment and Detoxifying
Vital for health recovery and prevention of disorders. We have a variety of care options and therapies depending on individual needs for effectiveness, mostly for home therapy.
If you choose, you'll learn simple and helpful aspects of TKM® and how it can be applied easily for yourself or for another person in a totally non-invasive manner to help restore proper bio-electromagnetic conductivity (circulation/coherence) without any risk or repercussions. You will learn about the vital interrelations of the body's systems as well as how to help them perform better PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, and EMOTIONALLY. TKM® is known for its frequent and profound results, when other approaches have not been effective.
Also, you'll learn simple procedures that can help address most ailments!
Please see our Events page for upcoming lectures and classes, or shop our online Store for educational materials.
Health Lectures
King Institute conducts lectures throughout the year. These average 1-2 hours of informative health related lectures that have a wide range of subjects available to the public.
Plus, every Friday at 11am (cst) Dr. King has a free Broadcast via Zoom where he is available for questions. Link is on our Home page
 There is much more to offer those who need or are interested in optimal health or health recovery.