
You might say as much as day and night.  There are many differences and it would take too much space to cover all the differences. This is true science, meaning of God's creastion rather than theories man devises. For example: In our five-day introductory class many distinctive differences are explained, but not all because there are so many. To name some of what we feel are the most important:
  •     There is absolutely no channeling of any kind of energy, no giving or taking, or transferring of energy. It is not possible to transfer energy when working with the natural, God-created, internal bio-electromagnetic energy system.
  •    TKM is working on a physically based energy which exists in all humans. There is nothing supernatural, spiritual or mystical about the method or the internal bio-electromagnetic energy system with which it works.
  •     The method use and understanding is based on science, physics and congruency which provides understanding of how the human body functions on an energetic level, and is also understood in more detail from a quantum physics perspective and how to help the body function better non-invasively without any possible repercussions.
  •     This method has consistently achieved what no other method even claims to be able to accomplish in health restoration and in stopping acute emergency episodes.
  •     TKM is not applied through religion and, at the same time, honors God in its understanding and practice which does not conflict with the Word of God.
  •     TKM does not promote any philosophy, no new age beliefs, religion, or practice.
  •     To conclude, TKM® promotes more understanding to provide extraordinary help and more congruency with all human experiences, with no physical, mental, emotional or spiritual repercussions, plus is able to evidence this through testing in all of these and other areas. And has been tested, studied and verified by medical doctors, scientists and technology with consistent results. 

Results could be noticed during the first application. We suggest at least 10 thorough consecutive sessions before making any judgment on what you may notice. This is in order that you may give enough opportunity to realize the efficacy to continue and follow through until you get the health issue(s) resolved.

Yes! Our mission statement and faith statement are as follows:

Mission Statement

Dedicated to serve as Ambassadors bringing Restoration, Healing, Truth, and the Love of Christ to the World, giving all the Glory to God.

Faith Statement

  •     We believe in the living GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
  •     We believe that GOD revealed Himself in three personal self-distinctions: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  •     We believe that the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is the Living Word of GOD.
  •     We believe in the literal interpretation of the whole Word of GOD.
  •     We believe in the virgin birth of the Messiah, Jesus.
  •     We believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, Who suffered and died for the sins of the world.
  •     We believe Jesus was raised from the grave on the third day according to the Scriptures and is alive at the right hand of the Father.
  •     We believe that Jesus Christ will soon come again to judge the world and reign in Righteousness.
  •     We believe that only the Atoning Blood Sacrifice of the Lamb of GOD, Jesus, has the power to save sinners.
  •     We believe in our heart that by faith and by the Grace of God we are born again in Christ, baptized in water and baptized with Holy Spirit and are followers of The Way; Jesus is the Door and the Way, the Truth and the Life.

    Patriot Statement

  • We are patriots of our country and stand like our founding fathers for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as written. 
  • We are aligned with the following prayers of our founding fathers:
    1. “Almighty God, I lift this nation up to You, that our citizens will reverence Your Word and Your ways. We will accomplish the good works in which You’ve sent us here to do.” –Inspired by George Washington’s prayer (Jeremiah 17:26; Hebrews 13:5).
    1. “Bless and praise the Name of the Lord Most High for giving me this nation where the glorious tidings of my Savior and His salvation continually sound in my ears as the lost return to Him with boldness.” –Inspired by Robert Treat Paine, signer of the Declaration of Independence (Titus 2:13).
    1. “Almighty God, You have given us this good land for our heritage. I humbly ask for Your favor and Your will to be upon this nation. Although we come from many different nations, You defend our liberties and make us one united people. You save us from every evil way and make justice and peace primary in our homes and in this land.” –A rendition of Thomas Jefferson’s prayer from his book Prayers for Today (Psalm 136:21-23).
    1. “Bless You, Lord, for You are this nation’s sole sovereign Ruler, and Jesus our only King. This nation will not bow to communism or socialism.” –Inspired by a John Adams quote (Exodus 20:4-6).
    1. “Lord, I thank You this nation’s prize is freedom for all. God commands all those who are oppressed be freed and the chains of all oppressors to be broken. Roll years of promise rapidly forth until all in this nation are free.” –Inspired by a John Quincy Adams quote (2 Corinthians 3:17).
    1. “In Jesus’ Name, we declare that the American people will not forget You, our traditions and our history. We remember the country we love, the faith we cherish, and the freedom which will now be preserved. There is a shaking and an awakening in this nation. Every citizen remembers the United States of America was born from fearless men who resisted tyranny and oppression.” –Inspired by Roger Sherman, a statesman and lawyer who was a signer of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (Deuteronomy 7:9).

In order to get full access to the sequences we have avaliable, first, you must login as a member on our website. If you are not a member, please register for free from the Home page. If you are logged in, click here to find the Median Sequence, the Plumbline Median Sequence, and the Spinal Damage Application available online.

Yes!  Our focus is non-invasive and non-toxic totally natural health therapy, research and education.  It all started with TKM® therapy and still remains the most profound service we provide to the public domestically and in our outreach in all the ways we possibly can.  Our mission to help improve health and quality of life has expanded continually as we learn what is highly effective, and keeps the focus of natural, non-invasive and non-toxic.
TKM® is still and will remain the main focus of the practice side of King Institute and the Better Health Center, although we have included testing and counseling on nutrition, diet, healthy lifestyle changes in every aspect when needed. Plus, the latest cutting-edge technology available internationally to assist in determining all that needs to be incorporated in recovery and to measure improvement along the way to recovery.
Whether improving health, working to resolve mild to chronic or critical disease - physically, mentally, or emotionally,  protocols are determined after we see a client at our office. We cannot guess what a protocol would be, because our high success rate is due to treating the person and not the disease. Each person is a unique and complex individual and should be treated as such.  For additional information or to set up an appointment or consultation just contact the Institute at 214-731-9795, or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We have been increasingly teaching this method domestically and internationally. We may have someone in an area near you, but there are states and countries that remain unreached. Most countries do not have exposure to TKM®. This is where you can help us get people trained - by helping to organize a training class in your area of the world. You can contact King Institute, LLC for assistance at 214-713-9795.

We have a number of TKM® books that are available to the public. Currently our books are only sold through King Institute, LLC or TKI® affiliate locations. At last update, we have affiliate locations in USA, Greece, and the Philippines. Please contact King Institute, LLC to get more details or view our online shop.
A new book for the public will be released soon entitled: Your body's Ultimate Health Solution, And the Effective Life-Changing Therapy You Can Employ to Activate It

How many treatments depend upon the illness or disorder and the individual, which involve many factors. Once therapy has begun and the progress is noted, it is easier to provide a time span. Although, it is different with every individual, as it should be. A person typically starts to see some results within one to three sessions, but it is generally suggested to wait for ten sessions to make a comparison of before and after starting therapy.

Although TKM® has been around for over three decades, society and most medical professionals are growing slower than we hoped. Many sources have awaited for more wide spread acceptance with additional accepted scientific studies, anatomical and proper language per group to explain it. Although this is true, TKM® has had front page coverage on top national health magazines; it has been referred to in several well-known internationally published books; it has been seen on national television programs, and heard about on many local and international radio programs, newspaper reports and on national and international news media. It has been taught at UNT (University of North Texas) for over seven years. It is gaining more acknowledgement by the traditional medical community as an effective natural approach to a multitide of disorders.

It all depends on their current knowledge and perspective. The less you say is probably better until you find out if they are interested in knowing anything about natural medicine. No matter how excited one may be with results or the beginning hope of this knowledge, some people are just not interested. If they are, then I would introduce them to our introductory video or direct them to this website.

NO! And I agree there are many sites that are very strange, especially concerning the topic of energy.
When there is a profound truth, especially when it glorifies God and helps His people, anti and error systems will be encountered. The error systems have predominated, especially in the New Age movement over the last few decades, but the time is overdue to proclaim the truth and clean off the barnacles that truth has collected - in order to distinguish between God's creation and purpose, and man's attempt at counterfeits. 
Not all things have truth with barnacles, they are sometimes simply false.  Other times when truth has been twisted and has collected many barnacles, it doesn't mean we should through the baby out with the bath water - along with the bathroom and the region. Remember that prejudice comes from ignorance! So let's learn and find the truth and test it to make sure. In these times people most often simply look to some internet source to find what is truth, but everyone has access to post on the internet. So, we each must do our due diligence to find the truth and not just take anyone's word for it. Start with simply asking the One who knows, because He is Truth.
To reiterate, there is nothing mystical or new age about TKM or anything we would be involved in or what we provide!  

All 144,000 systems in our body depend on proper bio-electromagnetic energy circulation. For this, we need an understanding of the oscillations on a sub-molecular level. Health is equivalent to the oscillatory equilibrium of all living cells; the disease is characterized by oscillatory disequilibrium. Oscillatory disequilibrium is due to the effect of incoherent energy conductivity in a local area or throughout the body. When the energy system's coherence is reestablished through this articulated and sequenced touch therapy, which stimulates proper circulation or conductivity, oscillatory equilibrium is reestablished.
It approach is so profound that there are a number of single-step procedures in TKM that have consistently stopped health emergency episodes, which is well documented.

In varying degrees, every issue thus far encountered.
I know, huge claim.  It is because of the encompassing effect on all of the body's systems, reestablishing energy coherence helps all physical, mental and emotional issues. In many cases, it has been enough to totally eliminate the problem. We acknowledge that this is a huge statement, but the scientific basis of the correlations and the consistent historical efficacy through numerous empirical studies is what allows us to make such a statement.

It depends on the connotation! TKM® can be considered natural medicine, complementary medicine, alternative medicine, and integrative medicine. It is natural; it does complement other protocols for health recovery without conflicting. It is a positive and productive alternative to many other available approaches to health recovery issues, and most of all, we consider it to be a vital part of health and recovery that can and should be integrated into current existing programs which include modern standardized medicine.