No household, business, or organization should be without this highly effective and needed knowledge. Waiting could cost lives.
Learn how to stop external or internal bleeding without the aid of a compress and close the wound without stitches. This thirty-seven-page E.M.T. Book offers vital information on many TKM® procedures/techniques to use during the critical moments of emergency episodes that anyone can apply, even children.
Included are common family / household uses. Instructions for these easy-to-use emergency procedures are accompanied by easy-to-follow instructions and illustrations.
To learn more about the TKM®: Emergency Integrative Medicine Techniques (EMT) course, recommended for professionals, families, businesses and organizations, just visit the Education page. you can bring this training to your area or country, just contact our office for additional information.
We recommend getting the set containing the Flash-drive videos for better Instructions, demonstrations, and understanding.