
Dr. Andrew Alarcon
Dr. Andrew Alarcon, BND is a Biblical Naturopathic Doctor and Natural Health Researcher who is passionate about helping and serving people in the area of Health and Wellness through non-invasive methods.
As a B.N.D., he specializes in Natural and Energetic Medicine using principles based on the Bible. He is the founder of Natural Health Methods (NHM) online, as well as NHM Natural Health Consulting Services, a registered company in Manila, Philippines.
He is one of the youngest Certified Instructors and full-time practitioners of TKM® and one of the first Filipinos certified by King Institute LLC. He has been practicing TKM® full-time since 2007 and is a certified Instructor of TKM® Emergency Integrative Medicine Techniques, Self-help, Wonderfully Made, and Levels 1-4.
Dr. Andrew graduated with honors (cum laude) at the top of his class from the University of the Philippines, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics, specializing in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics. He was awarded the Most Outstanding Physics Graduate in 2006. In 2012, he finished his Biblical Naturopathic Doctorate degree from Life Training Institute in Beaumont, Texas.
Dr. Andrew Lecture photo
He has traveled back and forth between the United States and the Philippines to do health research and work with Dr. King at King Institute LLC. He has completed multiple levels of training and Advanced training in TKM®.
As a Certified Instructor of TKM®, Dr. Andrew has regularly held classes on the TKM® Emergency Integrative Medicine Techniques (EMT) and Self Help training to groups, schools, churches and organizations in Manila and other provinces of the Philippines, as well as the USA.
Dr. Andrew is currently a full-time practitioner in the Manila area and the representative of the King Institute for the Philippines. He and his wife Emerald reside in the Philippines.
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Instructor's Current Location: Manila, Philippines
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Years TKM® Experience: Since 2007