"Dedicated to serve as ambassadors, bringing restoration, healing, truth, and the love of Christ to the world, giving all the glory to God."
King Institute LLC
King Institute LLC is a natural health organization resource (Christian founded and operated by conservative patriots that are awake to help you in many ways for God's glory) founded in 1990 in Dallas, Texas. We focus on natural/alternative health research, therapy, and education (non-invasive, non-toxic, no repercussions).
Our overall mission is to provide knowledge and help for people needing minor to serious help throughout the world. Through educational programs we train health professionals, health organizations, businesses, military, churches and the general public to understand how to naturally and effectively take care of their health, family, and the health of others with a non-invasive, non-toxic, extraordinarily effective natural approaches. We also offer health therapy and counseling in areas such as nutrition, exercise, healthy Life-Style and other effective science-based natural therapeutic approaches.
Although the Institute incorporates a number of different effective natural approaches for improving health, it focuses primarily on a powerful restorative technique/therapy that promotes tremendously efficient healing and health recovery called TKM®, or The King Method®.  TKM is what has spotlighted by most all of the news, media, Christian programs and organizations to understand more of what so many are talking about, like 700 Club running two full specials on TKM, and many others approached King Institute to understand more about what has made such a profound difference in the lives of so many people.     
A Personal Story
I, Glenn T. King, in June of 1984, had major lumbar surgery following an accident. A while after my back surgery, I had an extended Grand Mal generalized seizure. Reviving from that and realizing what had happened, as the ambulance was taking me to the hospital, was a living nightmare.
I was later told that I had developed a serious form of epilepsy. The neurologist, who was recognized as one of the best in the field (specialist with seizures), immediately put me on medication and started running and re-running tests. This included repeated CAT scans, monitoring on a 24-hour portable EEG, and changing medications and strengths, in an attempt to gain control of what had become a progression of gran mal seizures, also known as generalized tonic-clonic seizures. A short time later I began to experience consecutive seizures (status epilepticus), which ultimately could result in permanent brain damage or death. I tried everything any health professional suggested that provided some hope, yet to no avail. The seizures became worse and the damage it was causing was becoming seriously disabling to me.
Then, I stopped everything except the medication and searched through the notes I had obtained from a lecture on a simple but complex method of applying physics to help health issues. I had studied some of the little known science but was not yet fully convinced it could be so profound, as it seemed too simple. It was difficult to believe at first, but more difficult to believe that the medical profession could do nothing to help me. Acupuncture and other resources could only ease some of the symptoms after a seizure.
At the time, I still truly thought that traditional medical methods had the most knowledge and were the most powerful and effective practices in Eastern or Western cultures. It simply seemed logical. But, I learned a different lesson the hard way! After intensely working on myself with this little known method that was hard to believe, by the grace of God, the majority of the problem was corrected in about three months. I then became seriously dedicated to studying the physics behind the science of bio-electromagnetic energy. I only had one to three seizures per year for a couple of years after that, and have not had to carry that burden of seizures since then.
Thank God for His blessings, including this magnificent and extraordinary method to help the human body naturally function better! This experience convinced me, and since then I've seen so many powerful things happen for thousands of people. For me, there is no question that the Lord has led and shown favor to and through me. And I have dedicated my life's work to the study of this wonderful science and to helping tens of thousands of people who suffer from most any illness or disorder.
An Invitation
We at King Institute, LLC and the Better Health Center, LLC are excited to invite you to explore this wonderful effective way of helping yourself and other people. The concept of TKM® may be new to you, but do not underestimate what its potential is for helping you. TKM® has helped so many people with severe, complex, and rare health issues. You may not be familiar with the true science and physics of how the human body functions, but we encourage you to take the information that has helped many thousands across the nation and many other nations - and give TKM® an opportunity to help resolve issues for you and your loved ones.
If you know the Lord, pray for His direction concerning your learning or health recovery choices. Please realize that you can only experience the method's effectiveness by doing it (applying appropriately or TKM® therapy sessions), not by merely reading about it. We hope that you will try the two easy applications that are explained in the "Free Downloads" section located under Resources.
Contact us with any questions that we may help. 

You Have a Choice.      

Choose Natural and effective care that's changing lives.

We exist to make a difference in people's lives through excellent natural health care.  King Institute is a teaching natural health care resource with a local and international outreach.

Caring at the leading edge.

We are dedicated to the community and people we serve and the students we teach.  We offer cutting edge natural health therapy for you and your family's health and wholeness.  TKM® is our primary focus due to its most extraordinary results for every health concern we have encountered.
We Offer Hope for the Hopeless
We are here to help with any health concerns whether physical, emotional or mental.  We offer what others have termed as "extraordinary help," along with support and prayer for your needs.  Our reputation attracts people seeking hope and help from around the globe for common disorders and ailments to rare chronic or critical issues.  In some cases no other hope is found through other therapy.  
We also have a close relationship with leading experts in specialized fields that in some cases may need to be included to insure the best outcome for each person in our care.
To serve the Lord means to serve His people with excellence. This is our goal.
Find out if its right for you.
Browse our website, then contact us for any assistance we can offer.
A free membership into our natural health resource is required before any treatment or assessment.
Join the institute's free private membership (includes Free HNU -Health News Updates) with no obligations and all that we offer is available to you on this site.

The Medicine Of The Future - Available Now!

There is a reason why Alternative Medicine Digest featured TKM® on their cover, and publications like The Definitive Guide to Alternative Medicine, Miami Herald, Second Opinion (International Publication), Heart Disease Guide (book), Health Keepers Magazine, Dallas Morning News, and Korean News (U.S. Newspaper) have all featured TKM®. Many National media sources have carried this news as well, like CNN Headline News, Telemundo’s Occurio Asi, CBN, 700 Club Asia, What’s Up Doc (TV talk show), Public Broadcasting CH13, and many others. It is because of the “extraordinary results” that are obtained from TKM® for Chronic and Critical health issues.
Not only is “TKM® making history” with “Breakthroughs in Health Recovery,” but many sources have promoted TKM® for its “Emergency Integrative Medicine Techniques,” which have saved thousands of lives. The demand for this information has spread fast since the information was promoted and sponsored by the following institutions:
- Florida College of Natural Medicine (Orlando)
- Hippocrates Health Institute (Palm Beach)
- Environmental Health Institute (Dallas)
- Wilson Hospital (Sherman)
- Presbyterian Hospital (Dallas)
- St. John Hospital (Lexington, KY)
- Hollywood Birth Center (Florida)
- University of East/West Medicine (Sunnyvale, CA)
- Texas Integrative Medicine Practitioners Association
- Philippine College for Advancement in Medicine Foundation
- University of Philippines
- University Of North Texas
- First Baptist Church (Sebring, FL )
- First Methodist Church (Garland, TX)
- Sojourn Church (Plano, TX)
- Covenant Church (Texas)
- 700 Club Asia
- Alternative Medicne.com
- Headline News
- ABC News
- KERA News
- CBN TV News
- Telemundo News
- What's Up Doc (GNN - Philippines)
- Nutritional Resources, Inc. 
- Natural Health Magazine
- Miami Herald
- Natural Awakenings Magazine
- SKY Cable
- Delta Airlines
- Alternative Medicine Digest
- Nature's Sunshine
- Health Keepers Magazine
- HealthWWWeb
- Second Opinion 
- The Truth About Cancer 
 many additional hospitals, churches, businesses and organizations across the USA and Internationally. Speaking engagements have been held from Will Rogers Coliseum in Ft. Worth to the Minneapolis Convention Center to Philippines University in Manilla and across the globe that introduce this “EXTRAORDINARY Method for Helping most Physical, Mental and Emotional Health issues.”
Whether Acute, Chronic, or Critical, TKM® has provided help where all else has failed. TKM® is a non-invasive method that produces no repercussions, and the basics can be taught to anyone in order to achieve results.
Even though “Point of View” (International Christian News), Keys to Better Health (Christian Health Talk Radio), Christine McPhee Show (International Health Talk Show - Canada), It’s Your Health (Cable TV), Doug Kaufman Show (National Health Talk Show), The Clemens Report (National Christian News) and other national and international radio and television programs are included in spreading the news about this greatly needed and available help, there still remains millions in the USA who do not know that TKM® is available to them.
If you think this is just another method of help for some people, think again!
What else can consistently Stop a Heart attack in progress? Stop a seizure? Stop anaphylactic shock? Stop Asthma attack? Stop bleeding - even a severed artery - without a compress or cauterizing? Heal fractured bones 50% faster and stronger? What else has helped rare diseases and disorders when other resources offer no help? How about weight loss, Immune stimulation, Fertility issues, Depression and many common disorders?
Not only has TKM® helped thousands of disorders, but the knowledge discovered through understanding TKM® provides a much greater understanding of how our body functions, what affects it and how to recover vibrant heath. This information is made available only through King Institute, LLC.
Important Commentary:  Please, never believe there is no hope!  We are about hope, help and solutions.  We believe that whatever can afflict someone’s health, whether physical, mental or emotional, that there is already a solution for most of them, and we are finding that most issues can be resolved naturally by reestablishing the proper functions of the body in a natural and God honoring way.
The world is increasingly full of toxic diseases, toxic treatments and intimidating and negative proclamations by people (including predominant medical scientists and physicians) over every possible scenario of health and life. All valid/true statistics continuously indicate that the common standardized approaches in treating most health disorders has proven non-effective for our society and usually multiplies the problems. This is especially true of chronic disease.
There are those who choose to believe different from the common and increasingly obvious disastrous trend and are seeking help and knowledge. We have found and offer much hope and help. And, most of the solutions are usually so simple that the average person often thinks it is almost too simple to believe. But that has no impact on the fact that those who investigate and give an opportunity (test it) for this approach, will find extraordinary results.
We invite anyone with any level of skepticism to properly test the extraordinary results or perform any validating studies available. There are many skeptics in the world we live in now about everything possible thing, but PLEASE do not let skeptics deter you from getting the help you need.
God is able to confound the wise with the simple things! 1 Corinthians 1:27
God has provided resources! Pray about it, maybe this is the one He provided for your recovery!


What is The King Method®?

The traditional Western medical approach to disease has culminated in an astonishing mastery of the science of biochemistry and surgical intervention. Nevertheless, the efforts of modern medicine to develop effective treatments for chronic illness have failed. The advent of managed care has done little to curtail the tremendous growth in medical costs. At this point, it's reasonable to investigate what other cultures have done to deliver effective health care while keeping costs in check.
For many years the USA held the number one position in the world for per capita level of healthcare provided and the overall health of the population. However the USA has experienced a continuous decline over the past few decades to a current position of number thirty-three in the world. This is unacceptable for the leading country in the world in so many aspects. We must be willing to make major changes in our approach to health and look for more effective ways to help people suffering from chronic illness.
The general philosophy of Western medicine is based on biological science.
The general philosophy of Eastern medicine is based on physics, which has encountered resistance in the West because the approach is foreign to that of Western training. Yet, many Eastern therapies can positively affect certain ailments in ways which Western medical science cannot explain, demonstrated in Western studies and published in peer reviewed articles and publications like the JAMA.
The human body has many interrelated systems that operate to maintain health and sustain life, such as the digestive, circulatory, respiratory and immune systems.

The King Method®, or simply TKM®, focuses on another system of the human body that has recently been discovered to be the foundation of other systems. It is the electrical system (or bio-electromagnetic system).  According to basic science, everything that exists is comprised of electromagnetic energy. When we refer to this energy in the human body, we sometimes call it bio-electromagnetic energy. The proven theory is that electrical energy circulates through our bodies in certain patterns, like a current. When the electrical "current" in a person's body is flowing properly throughout its established circuits, the body is healthy. But, if problems in a circuit restrict the current from flowing/conducting freely or cause it to deviate from its established pathway, various types of illnesses and imbalances in the body result. The disrupted conductivity directly affects the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn can affect most physical, mental and emotional functions.

TKM® is the use of basic physiological physics to help restore the correct circulation or conductivity of the electrical system in the body. A TKM® professional, whether working on him or herself or someone else, places usually the middle three fingers of both hands lightly on two different and precise locations on the body over clothing. The positive polarity of the right palm and fingers and the negative polarity of the left palm and fingers stimulate the body's energy to move in the same manner electricity is stimulated to move, traveling along established pathways from the location of one hand to the other. The term polarity simply means "the property of having poles or being polar, the direction of a magnetic or electric field." In all creation we find poles or polarity, like north and south magnetic poles, it is similar in the body in relation to left and right hands. When contact stimulates movement,  then it circulates onward through the pathways that return the minute electrical current to the other hand's location. Enhancing this flow of bio-electromagnetic circulation has shown to promote proper blood and lymphatic circulation, increased CNS (central nervous system) conductivity and enzyme activity, all of which are important to rejuvenate the body's systems.
A TKM® "Sequence" refers to a series of positions for the placement of a student's or professional's hands on him- or herself or on a patient. One holds a position for several minutes. Normally, a complete session takes about an hour. The touch of the person's hands on the recipient's body is light, and there is no pressure or rubbing. The body responds to the treatment easily without irritation to its systems,  unlike certain other modalities such as acupuncture. This gentle, natural way of stimulating the essential bio-electromagnetic system to circulate properly, results in coherence, producing no negative repercussions. In addition, the treatments are very effective in relieving tension, stress and pain.
Natural medicine addresses incoherence in the mind and emotions as well as the physical body. Restoring order to the physical body, mental state, and emotions has been shown to be highly effective in resolving many states of illness and disease. The TKM® professional does not limit his or her focus to the isolated symptoms but rather attempts to help resolve the health needs of the whole person. For example, if a person is angry, there will be an immediate effect on the body, such as an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Powerful emotions can have marked physical and mental effects as well as the spiritual ramifications. One incoherent system negatively affects the whole body.
TKM®'s holistic approach stands in contrast to traditional Western medicine, which too often sees the human being as a collection of separate systems, each system needing its own specialist or drug. Many people will take an aspirin in order to help a headache or an antacid to relieve indigestion. This approach merely suppresses the symptoms. And while a person might find temporary relief, the headache or indigestion will tend to recur if the cause is not addressed. TKM®, on the other hand, works to correct the cause of the pain or problem, thus alleviating it completely. There are no known negative side effects or negative results from the proper use of TKM.  In fact, even when a mistake is made during TKM applications or therapy there have been no known repercussions.    
No AMA- or FDA-approved double-blind/placebo studies have been conducted to date concerning TKM®'s efficacy in treating illness. However, empirical observation has proven that TKM® can help with virtually any state of disease that can disturb the optimal homeostasis of the body or mind. TKM® procedures have enabled many people to regain physical functions, repair and improve mental functions, and build stronger emotional health. TKM® has been consistently shown to help a great variety of physical impairments ranging from inconvenient conditions such as allergies, insomnia, broken bones and dizziness to life-threatening conditions such as A-Plastic anemia, cancer and cardiovascular diseases...  TKM® also helps mental disabilities such as dyslexia, ADD, compulsive disorders, addictions, Down syndrome, autism and many other challenges. In addition, TKM® can substantially improve or eliminate emotional difficulties such as anger, depression and fear issues.
Anatomical and biological studies have revealed impressive evidence in support of TKM®. Nevertheless, the most compelling evidence continues to be the personal restoration of thousands of people who have used the method to overcome many different afflictions and restore their health.
For a summarized list of symptoms in which TKM® has been shown to be highly effective, click here!
Final note: King Institute has had the cooperation of a variety of medical doctors, medical researchers, as well as scientists and physicists to provide additional understanding and related studies to help clarify what is happening during TKM® applications and why the results are so profound.  Although, we have yet to have double blind studies or FDA or NIH approved studies, which we continue to invite.  Any source interested in proving, understanding more, or studies to disprove TKM®, we invite wholeheartedly and will assist in every way we are able. People need this help that is readily available now, and if certain studies are the obstacle, then lets not delay looking into it from every possible scientific method angle!  

Professional Endorsements:
  •     Robert Battle, M.D. - Family Practice
  •     William Chatfield - Washington lobbyist for Integrative Medicine
  •     Burton Goldberg - Owner of "Alternative Medicine Digest" and Future Medicine Publishing, Inc.
  •     Charles Hawes, D.O. - Osteopathic Medicine
  •     David Hickey, M.D. - Nuclear Medicine
  •     Constantine A. Kotsanis, M.D. - Otolaryngology
  •     Daniel Logan, Ph.D. - Clinical Psychology
  •     Joel B. Young, DC
  •     John L. McCormick, M.DIV. - Founder of Dallas Society for Bioenergetic Analysis, and creator of developmental energetic processing programs for personal and corporate relationships
  •     John Clemens - Director of News for USA Radio Network (2,000 stations internationally) and host of "Point of View"
  •     Suzanne Robey, R.N.
  •     Steve Smith, D.D.S.
  •     Linda Swanson, R.N.
  •     Danielle Young, M.D., D.D.S.
  •     William Lee Cowden, M.D. - Cardiologist
  •     Lee Taylor-Young - Actress

The King Method® is an extraordinary hands-on approach to all health disorders. This method has been shown to have a profound effect on the bio-electromagnetic systems of the body, which affect all bio-systems. The initial understanding of TKM® has been effectively utilized to help people for years for common to complex disorders. The most complete study in this science is TKM® (The King Method®).
Recent research has revealed TKM® to be one of the most extraordinary discoveries ever for natural and standardized health recovery. For over thirty-five years Glenn T. King, PhD, CDN, CN, Director of King Institute LLC, has researched the physics of the human bio-electromagnetic system and how it affects human health. The results obtained are truly extraordinary and profound, as is the understanding of how and why it is so effective. The extraordinary health and recovery connection is through physics, which has revealed the answers.
King Institute, LLC is a Christian-operated natural health resource. We invite you to tour our website to learn more about this truly effective method and how it's positively changing lives all over the world.
Here is a good place to start:
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