This New and extraordinary 2023 TKM® Levels 5&6 training is the first ever available on videos.
This introductory training course is available on compact Flash-Drive with accompanying Volumes 1&2 TKM® Textbook (Digital-not printable) and the full set of handouts/notes (printable/downloadable).
The Only Prerequisite for purchasing TKM® Levels 5&6: Completion of TKM® Levels 1&2 (either in-person, Online or DVD set).
Speaker: Dr. Glenn T. King, PhD, CDN, CN.
This is a Special TKM® Training opportunity from a 2023 recorded class on Levels 5&6 provided on Flash-Drive (5 videos). Includes a digital version of Levels 1&2 Books containing Levels 5&6 notes in Red. Plus, Self-help versions of all the sequences possible. Many illustrations were also provided during the editing process for a better learning experience.
Plus, a full set of separate printable handout Notes at a greatly reduced price from previous Level 5&6 classes. Most all notes are already provided for you, unlike previous classes.
The Flash Drive Materials makes it a truly extraordinary resource!
Flash-drive (Mac or PC) includes the software needed to use all materials it contains.
The Flash-drive contains: 5 training videos, plus an extra TKM Levels 1&2 digital book with notes in Red (not printable) for Levels 5&6 training information, Plus 2 PDFS of Class Handout Notes (Printable/downloadable) - that you can take all these with you anywhere in the size of a flash drive.
Published by King Institute, LLC.
For those who know the value of this information... not much more needs to be said. Just place your order and enjoy the learning or review experience that will help you and your loved ones for the rest of your life.
To learn more about TKM®: Levels 1 & 2, Wonderfully Made, and Be Prepared courses, visit the Education or Upcoming Events page.
Published by King Institute, LLC. © 2023 Glenn T. King, PhD, CDN, CN. All Rights Reserved.