This is a Very Special Resource, Book in English.
Previous price for the book alone was $199.00
Special Price is Only $79.99 plus s/h
TKM® Missions Book in English (The largest resource of TKM applications in a condensed TKM manual containing the applications of Volumes 1-4, plus the TKM EMT material and some Self-help applications).
This book is not just for TKM missions but for easy access to TKM applications in one book. It includes easy to use instructions with special illustrations for describing how to apply the TKM applications that anyone should easily understand.
IMPORTANT NOTE (Prerequisite): This Special book is only for those who have completed TKM Levels 1 through 4, or with special permission for pastors, missionaries, and alike. Contact us for exceptions, when possible.
The Book is available in English or Spanish
You can bring training live to your area or country, just contact our office for more information.
Call for more information or contact us at tki@kinginstitute.org