Completely Revised and Now on Flash-Drive
This two-day course on a Flash drive set is very informative for graduates of TKM® Introductory Levels 1&2, (based on volumes 1&2 of the TKM Textbooks) which include the 12 organ energy pathways. There are Levels 3&4 material covered, but we supply the needed PDFs and video for learning contained on this new Flash drive.
This training will go beyond introductory training to include the Median, Supervisor and and especially Mediator pathways in this in-depth study of the origin and direct connections of the pathways leading from one system to another, plus how and where this takes place.
This understanding provides correlations which reveal greater understanding to utilize TKM® with improved troubleshooting abilities and better understanding of symptoms and sensations experienced during or after TKM® sessions. It includes some TKM Q&A and TKM assessment of proposed cases.
Glenn T. King, PhD, CDN, CN, director and founder of King Institute, LLC teaches this course and makes it possible to learn and review this information at your convenience through this easy to carry flash drive.
The course covers varied topics related and filmed in a class setting which includes Q&A on the subject matter, plus a deeper understanding that most students seek and need to know.
Enjoy reviewing these videos and handouts over and over to help with simple, complex, or chronic to critical issues.
Published by King Institute, LLC ©2023 Glenn T. King, PhD, CDN, CN. All Rights Reserved.