Dr. King has Released this NEW Series of several seminars from different perspectives on the same topic of Cancer that Everyone needs now, especially since cancer is skyrocketing globally, and now there is a new epidemic rising quickly of what is termed "Turbo Cancer" that is the most rapid and deadly of cancers. Join into a serious and effective way of Understanding, Prevention, and Recovery/Treatment of cancer that every person should know. Get equipped now with expert knowledge! What You Don't Know Can Hurt You!
Dr. King is a victor of two different sudden onsets of terminally diagnosed cancer and recovered seemingly miraculously, and not one thing was done according to standardized medicine. No Surgery, no radiation, no chemo, or other toxic and devastating drugs or procedures, only natural, non-toxic, non-invasive options without any negative side effects.
Dr. King previously presented two seminars (videoed) that explained "How I Recovered Naturally From 4th Stage Metastasized Melanoma Cancer", and the first one was advanced Kidney cancer from over 25 years ago, those are also included in this series on Flash Drive. Dr. King's complete recovery from 4th stage metastasized melanoma cancer from a totally natural approach stated with finding that cancer had penetrated the forehead tissues into the skull, spread to lymph nodes (esp. the neck), spleen, and right femur bone (largest bone in the body) and was advanced and moving aggressively. FYI: Historically, over several decades when a client diagnosed with serious cancer that followed the daily recommendations from King institute never has had cancer spread (metastasize) from where it was, even for cases where cancer was already in several areas of the body.
The most important part of this series of several videoed classes is the wide range of essential understanding of cancer needed for prevention, or to recover with the highest success rate. This is vital understanding that EVERYONE should know!
The release of this New Series has drawn much attention and interest, not only on recovery, but especially to Understand how to Prevent Cancer - mostly by making alterations to our common lifestyle to more easily become healthier and more resistant in many ways to protect our health, and the health of our family in easy ways.
Dr. King has had great success in the past few decades in helping many people recovery from minor to very deadly cancer diagnosis, but his main focus is the hope that people will get this vitally important understanding NOW to make some fairly simple adjustments in lifestyle to avoid cancer. It is always best to avoid and prevent such a devastating war waged on a person physically, mentally, and emotionally determined to overtake and destroy, which affects the entire family in the process. That is not the time to begin to learn what the truth of options are available to you and what lifestyle changes must take place for winning such a serious war waged on you. A person is not expected to have the time, mental clarity, or emotional stamina to take on such a task after diagnosis and having limited ability. The family is also going through overwhelming experiences. Most all people turn to Standardized Medicine for knowledge, advice, and treatment to survive, but the simple truth is that They Don't Tell You The Truth.
By their own medical statistics most oncologists if diagnosed with terminal cancer will not go through the treatments they do to everyone else, they often prefer to do nothing rather than the torturous treatments and then die anyway. I know this is being very blunt, but it is too important to avoid the truth and play nice while over 1,700 people die everyday from cancer and the numbers are climbing rapidly. That is just in the USA of recorded deaths under medical treatments. The longest and most detailed medical report available on cancer deaths is the SEER report. To summarize, the report says that all ethnic groups, male/female, age groups... survival rate of different cancers collectively is only 0.27% to survive for 5 years. That's not even 1%! The population is led to believe, "well, If I get cancer I'll just go a medical doctor and do what they say and get well." Well, their own statistics state that over 99% of them will not survive 5 years. We've been lied to!
It is time to find out the truth! Provided in this Flash drive is 30 PDF handouts that are downloaded and printable, and just one of the PDFs is over 400 pages. You will be provided with all the facts, research, peer-reviewed articles, data, and resources to check the information for yourself.
The Series includes an introductory video, plus 12 videos of vital information (13 total).
The first seminar (only one seminar) was $499.00, while this videos series is several seminars combined for only $199.00
The value is priceless in lives to be saved, but in seminar expenses it would be several thousand dollars in savings for this Flash drive series.
Order here online today or call our office 214-731-9795