The Truth About Cancer Ultimate Live Symposium Promotes TKM®, King Institute, and Dr. Glenn T. King!
Last week (October 14-16, 2016) the "Truth About Cancer" resource that has swept the country over the past few months held an Ultimate Symposium last week in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Nearly 50 of the world's top doctors and other health experts were challenged to present the most effective but little-known insights on how to avoid and beat cancer and other deadly diseases. 300,000 people watched online, and the feedback was amazing, with many calling it "life-changing" and "life-saving."
When well-known Dr. Mercola spoke and introduced the next speaker, he said this man was his mentor. He introduced Dr. William Lee Cowden, who is world-renowned and highly respected in the field of Integrative and Natural Medicine. Dr. W. L. Cowden spoke, demonstrated and emphasized the importance of TKM® Therapy, then urged attendees to contact Dr. King and the Better Health Center in Frisco, TX.
The response was noticed immediately, and anyone who desires to review the symposium may still do so online.
We are very honored!
Dr. King has just released a two day seminar entitled,
"How I Recovered Naturally From 4th Stage Metastasized Cancer" on a DVD set. It is now available by contacting the Better Health Center.
The release of this new series after Dr. King's recovery has drawn much attention and interest on how he was able to completely recover from 4th stage metastasized melanoma cancer, which penetrated his forehead tissues into his skull, infected his lymph nodes (esp. the neck) traveled to the spleen and spread to his right femur bone (largest bone in the body) and was advanced and moving aggressively.
Get the full story and the class handouts on this 4 DVD set!
The seminar was $499.00, while this DVD set is only $399.00!