We now have an online resource for you of archived email announcements sent to our free HNU members.  It can be Googled to access any information in the email messages, or simply click this link to see the archive of recent email announcements: Archived Emails

Congress's energy bill bans incandescent light bulbs by 2014, and requires Americans to buy compact fluorescent bulbs. Those are called CFLs. 

Watch and learn what happens when we allow the people behind the green movement to control the way we live our lives. It's our job to get active and stop the insanity and take back our government.


You may contribute any amount to help with the cost of this ministry, as your heart leads. Thank You!



Hello Everyone, Welcome to TKM® Blog, where you can blog about your experience with TKM®. To write a blog you must be a registered Website member (free). If you are only a guest you may respond to previous posts, but you can submit your own blog. General guidelines: 1. We ask that you keep your blogging on topics related to TKM®. 2. No foul or inappropriate language is allowed. (Please remember this is a Christian and a family oriented website) 3. We reserve the rights to delete inappropriate blogs/ posts / comments. 4. We reserve the rights to cancel your membership if you continue to disregard guidelines. 5. Have fun with the blog and feel free to share your TKM® experiences and stories (others do want to hear from you!). Thank you, King Institute LLC