Event Registration

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TKM® EMT Training-to-Teach (1-Day)

LocationFrisco, TX

This Special Opportunity Only comes in February!

This is a very special opportunity: Special Training-to-Teach TKM EMT Classes! 

This special class is only for those who have attended in some form the TKM EMT training three times or more and is interested in becoming contracted to teach TKM EMT for King Institute in your area whether in the USA or another country. 

In this special invitation for those who qualify, you'll learn about teaching TKM Natural Emergency Procedures from the TKM EMT Manual.

Recap: The EMT Manual covers how bio-electromagnetic energy and our environment affect our health. Students learn emergency procedures which have shown to be highly effective in stopping heart attacks, anaphylactic shock, seizures, asthma attacks, choking, hemorrhaging, acute appendicitis and other common ailments like insect bites, hiccups and more.

This Training-to-Teach EMT is for those meeting qualifications and are interested in teaching TKM EMT classes as a contracted Instructor for King Institute, LLC.  

Requirements: Aside from instruction on teaching the course and the detailed documents for the guidelines involved, there will be an examination to pass for qualifying. This is necessary to determine if you know the material you would be teaching. The detailed Guidelines in the documents will be covered with Q&A once TKM EMT examination has been accomplished and passed (there are no trick questions). 

Instructor: Glenn T. King, PhD, CDN, CN

Location: Frisco, TX

Date: February 22nd (Saturday) Time: 10:00 am-1:00 pm   

Tuition: $300

Deposit: (full payment required at registration- non refundable)

Attendance is available in-person or Online: For online, contact the Institute after registering 214-731-9795. Online Students must register now so that materials can be mailed to you.  


Additional information:

Certification to teach TKM® is only accomplished through King Institute, LLC.

All TKM® classes are conducted for and through the Institute. Prerequisite information concerning qualification and certification for teaching TKM® for the Institute is listed below.  We do not contract or certify Independents. People can easily contact King Institute to verify a legitimate TKM Instructor.  

TKM®: The Emergency Integrative Medicine Techniques Training to Teach


  • Successful completion of three TKM® EMT classes. One class must be taught by Dr. King. The other classes, if not from Dr. King, must be from a certified or contracted TKM® EMT Instructor of the Institute with attendance verified.
  • Successful completion of one Introductory Levels 1 and 2 class (verified).
  • Attend the EMT Certification to Teach class, only provided by King Institute, upon approval from the Director.
  • Take the EMT examination with a passing score of 95 or higher.

King Institute reserves the right to refuse qualification for teaching. Certification is renewed every year. Regulations to maintain and renew certification are detailed in the EMT teaching certification class. This class is for qualified students interested in teaching the Emergency Integrative Medicine Techniques (EMT) class for King Institute, LLC.  

Note: Once completed, you would be a representative of King Institute, the entire international organization, all instructors and all students involved in TKM, for the term of contract.  


$ 300.00