Note: Certification to teach TKM® is only accomplished through King Institute, LLC. All TKM® classes are conducted for and through the Institute. Prerequisite information concerning qualification and certification for teaching TKM® for the Institute is listed below.  We do not contract or certify Independants. People can easily contact King Institute to verify a ligitimate TKM Instructor.  
Note: All approved Instructors start at the EMT level and work up one level at a time with a two year minimum of meeting all annual requirements for each level.

Note: Reviewing students receive a certificate each time they review a class.
EMT - Certificate of Participation of class.
Self Help - Certificate of Participation of class.
EMT/Self Help Combination - Certificate of Participation of class.
Special Topic - Certificate of Participation of class.
Note: Certificates are only provided to Adults minimum age 18 and above.

Introductory Textbook Classes:
Introductory: Level 1 - Certificate of Participation of class
Introductory: Level 2 - Certificate of Participation of class
Introductory: Level 1 and 2 Combination - Certificate of Participation of class
Introductory: Level 3 - Certificate of Participation of class
Introductory: Level 4 - Certificate of Participation of class
Introductory: Level 3 and 4 Combination - Certificate of Participation of class
Note: Successful Completion of three Introductory Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 classes receives a Certificate of Completion of Introductory: Levels 1-4 upon request, and acquires Exceptional Student Level.

Textbook Classes:
Level 5 - Certificate of Participation of class
Level 6 - Certificate of Participation of class
Level 5 and 6 - Certificate of Participation of class
Level 7 - Certificate of Participation of class.
Note: Successful Completion of three Level 5, 6 and 7 classes receives a Certificate of Completion of Level 5, 6, and 7, and an Honor Award and acquiring Exceptional Student Level.
ADVANCED TKM® Study Class - Certificate of Completion of the class and Advanced Study Requirements and Certificate of Advanced Student Level. (Each class)